Sep 26, 2010

El León

The story behind our giant paper sculptures:

Standing nearly 10 feet tall, our tremendous lion 
greets everyone entering the art room.

Before   &    After

Each student contributes to the installation 
        by designing one piece of the mane.


  1. Anonymous9/27/2010


    That's a really fantastic sculpture!!! I LOVE IT!!!! Maybe next year the students could decide on the statue. Also I think you forgot 1 video. Splash Dance, so can you email it to me? Thanks.


  2. Anonymous9/28/2010

    Hi Ms. Palefsky!

    Remember me...Lea?? Now I'm in LMK but I am going to be checking in on this blog because it is so creative and fun, and I don't want to miss all the action even though I'm in LMK! A LION? I would have never thought of that. Cool slideshow by the way.:) I think its really cool how you are recycling too! I can't wait to see all the other awesome things you guys will do this year. Go Green...Have fun!
    Create! Create! Create!


  3. Forget you, Lea? Impossible. I'm thrilled you're checking in on us here, everybody loves hearing from the "graduates" ... LMK is lucky to have you, keep creating & go knock their socks off!

  4. Anonymous9/29/2010

    Hi Ms. Palefsky! Every time the LMK bus passes purchase school, i think of all of the great times i have had in art with you!! I am doing art this section of the year. I have Mrs. Long and Art club with Mr. Amico!! when I was in Purchase School, art was my favorite subject and still is!! I will make sure to visit Purchase School soon!! I love the Lion!!! Can't wait to see more of the fun projects the fifth grade is doing this year!!

    See you soon!!

    Love Krizia!! :):):)

  5. Anonymous9/29/2010

    HI i love the lion it is so creative.
    i am having so much fun in 3rd grade.
    i hope you are going to make something
    cool and awesome.i hope you have a fun time.

    alessia franciosa

  6. Anonymous10/23/2010

    Dear Ms. Palefsky,

    As a teacher who had had the distinct pleasure of working with you at your previous school, I am thrilled to see that you keep shifting the boundaries when it comes to creating art. The sky's the limit! Keep on doing the fantastic job that you're doing -- and inspiring a new generation of talented artists!

    Gina van der Vliet
