Feb 12, 2017

A stencil is a sheet of paper, plastic, or metal with designs cut from it. Ink is placed through the openings onto the surface to create a stencil print.

Blast from the past, 2013


  1. I just found your blog and have to say I love what you are doing! As an artist myself and mother of 9, I have always loved children's art. How inspiring you are with what you are doing with the kids!!!

  2. Michele, thank you so much for your encouraging words! I thrive on feedback. And I'm thrilled that this humble blog is tiptoeing its way around the internet... I don't use tags or promote the site, but I'm a firm believer in Sharing What Works. Poke around the 'Explore' section on the right side bar, tons of excellent resources (fantastic stop motion videos). Thanks again for your comments ... how lucky your kids are to have an Artist as their Mom!

    All the best,
