Jun 8, 2012

3rd <---> 8th Portrait Project

Students in the Elective Art program at our middle school 
created portraits of each 3rd grade student in the district.  In 
return, each 3rd grader created collage for an 8th grader based on his/her self-reported interests.

"After this project, I did another collage for myself because 
when I did it for the eighth graders I thought it was creative. 
It showed that it was a portrait even though you don’t see a 
face. It shows things a person likes and stuff all about them. So I made a collage with my favorite stuff to show people what I like. 
For example, favorite car, band, superhero, movie, place, thing 
in my room, food, subject, sport an animal. It was fun to show 
stuff I like." From: Brendan G. 

3rd graders received a list of 8th graders' favorite things and 
created mixed-media portrait collages.

8th graders used the gridding technique to create dynamic portraits 
with impressive color, scale & proportion.
(click on images for a closer look)


more photos from the show...


  1. Mr. Amico6/08/2012

    WOW, What an amazing BLOG ! The process from begining to showtime, documented, is absolutley priceless. Kudos to every excited-eyed 3rd Grader & their gracious-as-excited parents, they all are ROCKSTARS !!! Each collage & Portrait created a ripple, & the show maginfied each ripple into a wave of pure magnificence. The electricty that was buzzing from child to smile, was nothing less then infectious. Enthusiasm was also on display as almost every Elective Art Eight grade student attended, in search of their subject. It was a pinch-me is this really happening event :) Thanks to every single-person that was involved, it was truly a special moment.

    1. Mr. Amico, the LMK art department is made up of wizards. The excitement at yesterday’s art show nearly blew the roof off the cafeteria – I was nothing short of AMAZED. Your eighth graders’ enthusiasm for Art is palpable, and our elementary students were floored by their talent.

      Effort Shows. Thank you, LMK.

  2. To Gia,
    Thank you for drawing me, it was very good. My favorite part was when you colored my hair all different colors and it looked just like me.
    By Kyle M.

    1. Kyle, I am so glad you liked it. The hair was my favorite part too!! It was very fun to use highlighters in art instead of just using it to highlight words. I worked very hard on it and it means a lot to me that you appreciate it.

  3. To Dean McCarthy,
    Thank you for making me. It was so cool, I love my hair – it was spiked up with purple in it. You are really talented. Thank you so much.
    From Casey J.

  4. Alexandra6/08/2012

    To Lauren Mehlman,
    Thank you for drawing my crazy hair and face. It was so cool to see me in abstract art! I loved it! I kept telling my mom to frame it and hang it up in my room.
    Thank you again,
    From Alexandra G.

  5. Connor6/08/2012

    To George,
    Thank you for making my portrait. My hair looks cool with all these designs. It looks really good. You are a good artist.
    From Connor G.

  6. To Deanna & Jessica,
    I loved the portrait – my favorite part was my hair because I love pink and blue. I loved my headband. I think you are both great artists. Have fun next year in high school!
    From Ali K.

  7. To Monica M.
    You are so creative with my purple eyes and my hot pink hair and my yellow neck. It was amazing and freaky. Everyone in my family was saying it was AMAZING. Thank you so much.
    From Emma L.

  8. To Mike B.,
    Thank you for making my portrait. I love the blue mouth and purple hair. I never thought that I would have that kind of hair and mouth, you are very creative. Thank you for painting my portrait.
    From Ben H.

  9. Dear Katie Daher
    Thank you for drawing my The BEST picture of me EVER. Sorry i wasn't there but i got the picture and Lucia told me you worked hard

    Sofia W.

  10. Anonymous6/13/2012

    to A.J. you are the best artist i've seen yet. You made my eyes very close to mine. And my hair. I dont know if youd remember me, from basketball shootout. Your portrait was the best.

    From, Ben H

  11. A.J Magee6/14/2012

    Hey Ben, I remeber you ! Im so Glad that you liked your portrait, It was realyy fun to make, I worked really hard on it, and it feels so good that you appreciate it !!!!!!

    1. A.J., I was completely impressed by your artwork! It's obvious you poured a lot of effort and time into the project, your results were incredible. Keep taking wild risks with color, and don't drift too far from art supplies for too long -- feed your talent.

  12. Emma S6/15/2012

    Hi Cameron M, I'm so glad that i got to meet you and I love the picture of us together! I'm so happy you liked my multi-media interpretation of you. I worked so hard on it! I hope you had a great time also.
