Nov 16, 2016


In the spirit of Cézanne -- and the Thanksgiving season -- we looked closely at a still life table arrangement. After making a drawing with black oil pastel, we applied red tempera paint to the apples, and used liquid watercolors for the background. 

Nov 1, 2016

By Zoe G. & Alexandra W., 5E

This year the fifth graders traced their hands and made them totally unique. We used a collection of art materials to create our unique hands. We all did the same project but made it different in our own way. To make our hands different we used paint, markers, newspaper, tape, and oil pastels. Some people traced objects, other people splatter painted, and also collaged. Some people filled their hands with their favorite things and decorated the background to make them POP! Thank you to Ms. Palefsky for helpings us make our hands special in our own way. As M. Scott Peck stated, we should all “Share our similarities, celebrate our differences.”