Dec 15, 2016

4th graders bring their creativity to the table.

Using color sharpies and acrylic paint, students
created one-of-a-kind reverse painted plates!

And Eli S. reminds us,
"Creativity is a continual surprise." -- Ray Bradbury

Dec 1, 2016

Can You Name The Famous Characters 

Just By Their Silhouettes?

Nov 16, 2016


In the spirit of Cézanne -- and the Thanksgiving season -- we looked closely at a still life table arrangement. After making a drawing with black oil pastel, we applied red tempera paint to the apples, and used liquid watercolors for the background. 

Nov 1, 2016

By Zoe G. & Alexandra W., 5E

This year the fifth graders traced their hands and made them totally unique. We used a collection of art materials to create our unique hands. We all did the same project but made it different in our own way. To make our hands different we used paint, markers, newspaper, tape, and oil pastels. Some people traced objects, other people splatter painted, and also collaged. Some people filled their hands with their favorite things and decorated the background to make them POP! Thank you to Ms. Palefsky for helpings us make our hands special in our own way. As M. Scott Peck stated, we should all “Share our similarities, celebrate our differences.”  


Oct 19, 2016

Kinders are celebrating all the colors, lines & textures of trees, 
through sponge painting, chalk pastels, markers and craypas
Autumn is always so inspiring...

Art takes nature as its model” 
                                                  - Aristotle

Oct 1, 2016

Each year we construct a giant sculpture inside the Art Room, 
every student makes a small piece of its exterior.


The term installation art is used to describe mixed-media constructions
usually designed for a specific place and for a temporary period of time.

Our installations are designed specifically for the Purchase art room,
and for just one school year. This makes them very special.

What do you like about the annual art room sculptures?
" It’s a fun tradition and it looks really cool.  It brings students together. "

What was your favorite?
" My favorite one was the Kangaroo. "

What kind of giant sculpture would you like to have in your room?
" I would like to have a giant dog/puppy sculpture."

- Julianna B. & Lilit V., 4A