Being an artist means the creative juices are flowing 24/7.
See some of the ways students have exercised their creativity outside the Art Room.
<< We made this theater outside in our backyard tonight, out of materials we found in the woods and some cardboard. We used a flashlight as a spotlight, and my small stuffed turtle as the star of a play we made up, There's No Time Quite Like Fall. Some of my brother's stuffed animals attended. We hope you find this as awesome as we do! >> - From Claire and Pierce J.
<< Lisa, can you forward to Ms. Palefsky? Jack asked me to send it to her - it's a pic of a tower he built with Maddy... >>
<< I just wanted to share with you this picture from this morning. Since Christian brought this project home on Thursday he's been cutting construction paper and adding to it every day! >> (3/2011)