Mar 27, 2014


We Are Becoming
“Master Builders”
of Kindness
By: Luke W., 4C

            At Purchase School we are becoming “Master Builders” of kindness. We made our own lego figures from templates, colored them in, and got to hang them up on the lego display Ms. Palefsky put up. We used sharpies, colored markers (washable), oil pastel, and chalk. Some students painted cardboard and cut it out to make buildings. We got this idea because it is a VERY popular topic right now and some artists get inspired from pop culture.  We are “Master Builders” of kindness because we care about others and care about ourselves, we go off by ourselves in the art room inspired by creativity. 


3rd grade artists Keishu and Chris took inspiration home 
with them and created a ship of lego clones.

Mar 20, 2014

The Crazy World of the Color Wheel!

In art Class Ms. Palefsky introduced us to the color wheel world. We had so much fun exploring all the many different ways to create the color wheel squishing a picture with the color wheel together and making it into a wonderful picture of colors. We got to create any type of picture that represents the color wheel. For the primary colors we made them the biggest circles of them all. For the secondary colors we made them a little smaller, they still stood out but they were small. Throughout the class we were all interested in our work because it was a one day job. It was also very cool and it was fun! That is the crazy 
world of colors!!!! 

By Isabel P., Jolie R., 4A

" There are only 3 colors, 10 digits, and 7 notes; 
it's what we do with them that's important." 
                                                                                           - Jim Rohn

Mar 6, 2014

Art is Personal

Family portraits are a great way to show your love for your family. During this process we used many mediums such as paint, oil pastel, crayon, sharpie, and more! It took a long time but the hard work paid off! If you are looking for an amazing gift for any occasion make a family portrait! There are so many different types of families so everyone's portrait is different, which is great! Family portraits aren’t always easy, so make sure you take your time and make it your best! No matter what it turns out as, your family will love it!
 --- Remy R. and Samantha L. 4A





Thank you Mayor Belmont, for attending our show 
and encouraging the ARTS in Harrison!

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