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By Zachary H. |
I think that our pictures look quite astonishing. We used quite simple materials in our project. All it took was some paint, the creative side of your brain and more. In conclusion, this project overall was pretty successful! We all loved it and you can too, so don't be afraid to do some, simple fun art!
- Pollock

Jackson Pollock was an American painter, born in 1912,
who became famous for his enormous drip paintings. Rather than paint a landscape or a portrait, Pollock wanted to paint action. When you look at one of his drip paintings, your eye wanders across the entire canvas in constant motion...
Jackson Pollock Here We Come!
By: Isabella and Rachel
“Drip, drop, drip, drop!” That’s the sound of my brush when we learned how to do Jackson Pollock. In art we learned about Jackson Pollack and how he does all his famous work. It turns out he staples his canvas to the ground of his barn and walks around or on the canvas and splatters or drips the paint. Ms Palefsky, our awesome art teacher, decided we were going to do a little something like him. So first, we got medium sized white paper. Next, we got tempera paint and diluted it. Then we got our paintbrushes and dripped the paint on the paper. We moved the paper around once it had the paint on it to make cool designs. Some people even got a little crazy and did his real style! We think this was a good project because our whole grade had a great time with it. We hope other creative art teachers around the globe get inspired.