Feb 16, 2011


  5th graders let the Lion out of the Art Room
... and boy, did he roam.

"Lion Love" by Jacklyn & Lauren

"Waiting for My Date" by Mohammed & Jack

"South Park Crew" by Alex, Noah & Sammy

"Narnia and Friends" by Sammy & Peter
By Austin P., Spencer D.

In class we were introduced to a new program called Photoshop and thought it was very creative. We put a picture of our Art Room's giant paper lion in another photo by adding layers. First, we went on Google images and found a picture that we wanted the lion to be in. Then, we copied and pasted the image to Photoshop and added the lion's image as a new layer. We changed the image size of the lion by making the percentage smaller so it fit with the background. Afterwards, we used the eraser tool to erase any parts of the lion that we didn't need, and flattened the two layers together to make one picture. This project allowed us to explore the creativity of photoshop and how technology has changed photography. We hope to do this project again.

HOW DO THEY DO IT? Using Photoshop, students adjust image sizes, create new layers, and apply the eraser tool.

"Lion Williams" by Brandon


See how Photoshop is used in Advertising!  http://youtu.be/iYhCn0jf46U

-- Rose P. (Senior Retoucher at Impact Digital, NYC) writes:
"I love that film!! It's why I do what i do - and proof that anyone can be a model!"

Feb 3, 2011

Wintry Paintings

First graders read “The Biggest, Best Snowman” by Margery Cuyler, and used a fantastic painting technique to create one of their own.
After drawing with a white crayon on white paper, students applied a dark paint color to make a wintry watercolor resist!


Danny and Sammy explain the painting process below:

The crayon will resist the paint, leaving white lines on the paper.