Nov 19, 2010

Still Life Collages

Second graders explore the many possibilities of paper -- weaving, cutting symmetry, tearing & overlapping -- to create Matisse-inspired Still Life Collages. They set the table with artistic flare... and just in time for Thanksgiving.

A still life shows objects that don't move.
Matisse paints his objects overlapping one another. 

Thinking about composition
students arrange their materials.









Nov 13, 2010

Installation Art

By: Judy F. , Isabella C. & Rachel S.

Every year the 4th Grade comes together in art for a big project.  We split into groups and each group makes a life size stuffed person. We make it look like real kids. Here is a little about the process…

First every group traces a real person on a big sheet of paper then they cut the person out. This all involves lots of teamwork! Next, the group thinks of lots of ideas of what the person is going to look like (clothes, nose, mouth, eyes, shoes and bottoms), that way it will look realistic. Next class, the goups start to design the person. For example one group used someone's real shirt that didn’t fit any more and stapled it on and used shorts that didn’t fit them too. You also get to paint the person first. You get to use a variety of materials. After your group is done with the body, you can move on to the face and shoes. You can use yarn for the hair. In our group, 3 people designed the shoes with lots of different fabric. When you are in 4th Grade you are going to have a blast with this project! Ms. Palefsky is the best art teacher ever!

Fourth graders collaborate to construct life-size paper sculptures to be placed around the school.  
Each figure demonstrates a way to Care About Yourself & Care About Others (C.A.Y.C.A.O.)

Proportion - the relationship of one part to another.
Students traced their own bodies for accurate proportion.

Mixed-media - when two or more media are
combined in a single 

Students combined paints, fabrics, oil pastels & markers,
creating different textures.

Nov 3, 2010

Graphic Design

                                                             Typography is the art & technique of arranging type.


5th graders explored typography, applying basic concepts of graphic design.

Reflection, By Noah R.

"I learned that art isn’t just about painting and writing, it’s also about experimenting on the computer."

In Art I learned about a lot, and one of my favorite things was learning about fonts. I learned about kerning and leading, serifs and san serifs. A serif is a letter with a (foot), a san serif is a letter without a foot. (A) is a san serif because it has no foot, and a serif has a foot or (tail). We had to make a commercial about serifs and san serifs. A place you can find serifs and san serifs is in a magazine. My favorite part was learning about different fonts. There are so many different fonts that are cool. I learned that art isn’t just about painting and writing, it’s also about experimenting on the computer. You can do kerning and leading on the computer to. I have probrably tried kerning and leading without knowing what it was. I think the tricks are very helpful to understand the meanings of kerning and leading. Ms. Palefsky showed us so many different examples that looked awesome. In conclusion, I learned a lot this session in art.

Introductory terms

Serifs & San Serifs

Designing the Pledge

Overlaying fonts & images

Visual representation of the Web

What font would YOU be?
Choose a font from the list below. 
Describe what you see, and how it reflects you.
For example, "I would be Parade. I notice the variation of thin and thick lines, and use of serifs on some of the letters. This font seems comical & playful, but still level-headed."